./mkosdfs -i 0 -l 0 -p 65540
mount -t osdfs -o lun=0,tid=0,pid=65540 none /mnt/osdfs/Make sure that the parameters match those that were specified to mkosdfs.
usage: mkosdfs -i-l -p [-d] [-h] [-f ] [-t ] [-q ] i: target ID (>= 0) l: target LUN (>= 0) p: ID for partition (>= 65536) d: print debug information h: print this menu and exit f: format the LUN to specified size in bytes (specify 0 for same size). t: timeout in seconds for OSD commands other than format (> 0) (default=5) q: timeout in seconds for format OSD command, if specified (> 0) (default=30)
usage: osdfsexplore -i-l -p [-h] i: target ID (>= 0) l: target LUN (>= 0) p: ID for partition (>= 65536) h: print this menu and exit While at the program's prompt, you may use the following commands: help print this menu list list objects on the file system stat